Thursday, 9 August 2007

status update

OK; it's now been a couple of months since our last confession.
Renee has been going to class as part of her apprenticeship (last day of class tomorrow before a 3 week placement at a nursing home in Flemington -- pretty handy). She is pretty excited/happy.

Over the past 2 months we've had Renee's sister, Renee's parents and Ben stay over. Brigid will be here tomorrow night and Sophia and Peter a few weeks down the track. Somewhere in there Courtney and then Andy/Wal/Troll/Lungsy visited Melbourne.

We now have a couch, a table and low and behold an internet connection (Vigin Broadband/wireless running at 632 kbps on the 15th floor).

Work has been picking up in intensity, but I think I'm getting the hang of it all.
We haven't been to the pool or gym for ages... eh.

This is a night time view out the window:
This is a daytime view out the window:


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